
Trade and Investment in Tanzania

Tanzania is endowed with many natural resources and investment opportunities. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has simplified investment regulations in order to attract investors from around the world. Investment in Tanzania is overseen by the Tanzania Investments Centre (TIC), a one-stop primary Government agency responsible for all investment matters.

The TIC is charged with the following functions:

Promoting investment activities in Tanzania;

Addressing administrative constraints facing local and foreign investors;

Assisting in the establishment and registration of enterprise processes;

Facilitating investors in obtaining necessary licenses, work permits, visas, approvals, facilities or services;

Assisting investors to secure investment sites and the establishment of Export Processing Zone (EPZ) projects especially in the Agricultural, Mining, Infrastructure, Fisheries and Tourism sectors;

Granting Certificates of Incentives, investment guarantees and registering technology agreement for all investments which are over and above US$ 300,000 and US$100,000 for foreign and local investments, respectively;

Providing and disseminating up to date information on existing investment opportunities, benefits and incentives available to investors: and

Facilitating investors to have smooth working relationships with Public and Private Sector bodies such as Tanzania Chambers of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture (TCCIA), Confederation of Tanzania Industries (CTI), Tanzania National Business Council (TNBC), Tanzania Private Sector Foundation (TPSF)

Trade in Tanzania

Tanzania attaches great importance to the role of trade in realizing National goals on poverty eradication through structural transformation of the economy with the private sector taking a leading role as an engine for national economic growth.

Tanzania offers a well-balanced and competitive package of fiscal trade incentives especially in the priority sectors such as manufacturing, agriculture, Tourism, petroleum, gas and Mining. For all these sectors, except petroleum and gas sectors, acquisition of all capital goods and parts are zero rated for import duty purposes and VAT thereon deferred.

Research expenses for agriculture are allowable for income tax purposes, while capital acquisitions are 100% expensed. You can also import duty-free all capital goods, spare parts, hotel facilities, explosive material for gas and oil exploration. Tanzania has also signed double taxation treaties with Denmark, India, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Kenya, Uganda, Zambia and Finland.

The Leading Investment Sectors include:

Agriculture and Agro-based Industries; Mining; Petroleum and Gas; Tourism, and Infrastructure.

The Priority Sectors include:

Energy, Manufacturing, Chemical Industries, Natural Resources (Fishing & Forestry), Construction and Real Estate Development, Management Consultancy, Human Resource Development (Hospitals, Health Centers, and Educational Facilities), Radio and Television Broadcasting and Export Oriented Projects.

Import Products

Major import commodities include agricultural machinery, implement and pesticides, industrial raw materials, machinery and transportation equipment, petroleum and petroleum products, construction materials, consumer goods. The list is not exhaustive,

Export Products

The principal export commodities include Minerals (gold, gemstones, diamonds, coal etc.), coffee, cotton, cashew nuts, tea, sisal, tobacco, pyrethrum and cloves. The main imports are machinery and transport equipment’s, textiles and clothing, petroleum products.

Trading Partners

Tanzania’s major trading partners include: China, Germany, Japan, India, the European Union, United Arabic Emirates, United Kingdom, Kenya, Japan, India and South Africa.

Major commercial/trading cities include Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Zanzibar, Arusha, Mbeya, Tanga, Kilimanjaro and Kigoma.

For trade statistics and further details on trade in Tanzania, please contact:

  • Starting Time:

    8:00AM to 2:00PM
  • Date:

    20 October, 2021
  • Categroy:

  • Phone:

    + 1 (307) 776-0608
  • Location:

    8 Street, San Marcos New York
1 : 00 AM

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